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I don't know how it is for every other pastor in the world, but I know how difficult it is for me (and some of my colleagues) to be as alert and watchful as we should be. Warwick.There is nothing more certain than death; nothing more uncertain than the time of dying. As to the end of the world, do not inquire when it will come, for of that day and that hour knoweth no man. No — the broad road that leadeth unto hell; and he has departed, he has been removed beyond the reach of my voice. Then shall the faithful reap fruit unto life eternal. I left this country, and wandered over the shores of Mexico, Texas, the West Indies, and through the Caribbean Seas; and then returned home, after having been a long while away. Without this we can perform no duty that will be acceptable to God. On the inactive mind and irresolute will doubts will gather, as limpets do on a motionless rock. We must watch against the temptations of the devil. The temple of their life is coming down. E. Johnson, M. A.Most persons know what watching is. Mr. Bilby told me that that was the rule among the Christians in the Coldstream Guards. Put on the Christian soldier's armour to preserve you from the fiery darts of the wicked. That coming will be indeed a blessed morning, the bringing in of an eternal day, one through all of whose sunny hours no more sickness or pain will be felt. The men who watch look out of self.IV. LCMS Sermons - James T. Batchelor Sermon on Mark 13:24-37. Be alert. Bred early to a knowledge of God, I became a backslider, and I wandered with him for years in the road that leads to hell. Unsatisfied: A Sermon on Mark 13:24-37 The Gospel reading for this week seems both strangely out of place and frighteningly pertinent. The world is ripening for it. I will therefore be prepared for that at all times which may come at any time, and must come at one time or another. Or one month? It is a work of love to make your home bright and cheerful for them, and sometimes you gather flowers that they may add their greeting to yours. There must be perception not only of what is true, but of what is right. The return of Christ (24-27) III. - A.R. God strengthens us to the end. The tendency of the body to induce sleep.2. Is he here, or in another part of the country?" Warwick.There is nothing more certain than death; nothing more uncertain than the time of dying. ... we barely have enough staying power to keep awake through the Prayer for Illumination and Scripture Lesson. We have not and never will be abandoned to the darkness. I left this country, and wandered over the shores of Mexico, Texas, the West Indies, and through the Caribbean Seas; and then returned home, after having been a long while away. All The Numbers sermon, keyed on the Gospel of Mark 13:37 by the editors of Sunday Sermons preaching resources -- serving the preaching community since 1970. 2. "Why?" Sermons, Pastor Aaron, Gospel of Mark, Advent Mark 13:24-37 "But in those days, after that suffering, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Now, do you know, I have never lost the remembrance of that. Yes, there is such a talisman, and its name is prayer, that settled bent of the affections which makes actual devotion not a rare experience, but the normal condition of the soul. The Advent times of life are times of waiting. QUALIFICATIONS FOR CHRISTIAN SERVICE. AGAINST TEMPTATION. He gives us love to others, and understanding of his Word, an experience of his faithfulness, mental and spiritual faculties, in order to fit us for serving him. What are we doing in the middle of Mark’s “Little Apocalypse” at the beginning of Advent? "Take a lesson from the fig tree. 12:26. THERE ARE THINGS WHICH SUGGEST WATCHFULNESS.1. But, alas! That without watchfulness we shall become an easy prey to our worst enemy. Advent is not so much about the losses as it is about the hope and coming of what will be. "This thing I do" was the motto of his life. Mark 13 Part 2: Warnings and Encouragement, Mark 13:5-13. No — the broad road that leadeth unto hell; and he has departed, he has been removed beyond the reach of my voice. And so, there may be many armed with the spiritual panoply — ready to quote texts, apt with religious arguments, apparently respectable and sincere, — whose religion is false, hollow, and worthless. The ship that is bringing the absent one home goes down, and the longed-for sound of the familiar step and voice is waited for in vain. 4. To show up and be present in the darkness of life is some of the hardest work we will ever do. Children’s Sermon Mark 13: 24-37 Advent 1 Nov. 30th, 2014. Mark next introduced the second element of apocalyptic literature. Hhhmm, I heard it is Advent and I'm supposed to watch for something. Every time we tell the Advent story of our life we echo the prophet Isaiah’s cry, “O that you would tear open the heavens and come down” (Is. 1. Are heaven and earth really going to pass away? It is a work of love to make your home bright and cheerful for them, and sometimes you gather flowers that they may add their greeting to yours. Sermon Manuscript . Children’s sermon for Mark 13:24-37. Oftener than otherwise those plans fail and come to nothing. Then I demanded, "Where did he die?" Do not let an opportunity slip, or you will regret it forever. I’ve begun thinking of the advents of our lives as promising a future, something is coming, and it holds the possibility of the impossible. Were the day and the hour of the Saviour's advent specifically and unmistakably stated, it would contradict constantly those passages scattered throughout the whole Word of God which say He shall come as a thief in … Mark 13:32-37 - But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. The night watches give an insight into depths of space.3. ... Lectionary Texts for Nov. 27, 2011. how much of this earthly watching ends in disappointment! 11/23/2011 02:00 pm ET Updated Dec 06, 2017 Here comes Black Friday, even earlier than usual. The text this morning is from the Gospel according to Mark… )The interval between Christ's going and comingJ. It always is, provided we look only for what this world can bring and preserve in our keeping. You know what it is like to enter the darkness of change. 3. 3. Now, do you know, I have never lost the remembrance of that. The person turned pale. It will reveal the multiplied richness and value of every treasure given into the Lord's hand.(E. In our previous lesson, we covered the first half of Mark 13... a. There are few who have not learned it by experience. Ambitious souls lay plans and watch for success. Last Sunday in the Church Year Good Shepherd Lutheran Church It is a work of love to make your home bright and cheerful for them, and sometimes you gather flowers that they may add their greeting to yours. Posts about Mark 13:24-37 written by marciglass. Unless you are watching against all inroads of the enemy, and pressing onward in the battle, you are none of Christ's.II. THERE ARE THINGS WHICH SUGGEST WATCHFULNESS. Mark 13:33-37. A longing desire.4. 2. Be still. With patience. The Gospel text for the first Sunday in Advent is certainly not anticipated and most likely not welcome. The tendency of the body to induce sleep. The ship that is bringing the absent one home goes down, and the longed-for sound of the familiar step and voice is waited for in vain. The person turned pale. In nights of sickness or sleeplessness you have watched for the morning. With patience. You may be armed from head to foot, and yet false in your Christianity. SUN 02/23/2020. Change ). A burning hope.(J. And sometimes, when I lie down to sleep, I see staring at me through the gloom a pale face that I know — it is the face of that damned man. It sounds ominous and it is. Unless you are watching against all inroads of the enemy, and pressing onward in the battle, you are none of Christ's.II. We want insulation of spiritual force. 2. Some of us may get around to examining our lives to see where we have done wrong, and work hard at improving ourselves, because the Lord is coming. Aye, methinks, if he might speak, he would curse me; he would say, "God curse you!" When it comes to Jesus Christ, “I’m coming for you,” is not only good, but next to the cross, it’s the greatest event in the history of planet Earth. Unless you are watching against all inroads of the enemy, and pressing onward in the battle, you are none of Christ's.II. . Mark 13:27-37 He'll dispatch the angels; they will pull in the chosen from the four winds, from pole to pole. I soon found this was a man in armour — if you will, — but stuffed with straw. 28) of the signs of his coming as being like the indications that "summer is nigh." It means we must sit, listen, wait, watch. "Well," was the reply, "he is dead." FOR SOULS. Holy Textures, Understanding the Bible in its own time and in ours, Mark 13:24-37, David Ewart, 2011. Hold up your binoculars and start using them to look around the sanctuary. That is contrary to what most of the world believes and what our society rewards. THINGS WHICH ENCOURAGE WATCHFULNESS.1. But blessed is he that watches for Jesus, and for His coming. I said, "Tell me — I must have it — where is he?" And You Shall Live - A Sermon On Ezekiel 37:1-14, Jesus of Nazareth Meets Nathanael of the Fig Tree - A Sermon on John 1:43-51, Epiphany 2B, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It thinks to no practical purpose. “They tell me that place is falling in. J. Vaughan, M. A. I suppose you never heard of a man of the name of Thomas Bilby. Mission, Vision, Values & Marks; Location & Directions; Affiliations; Information & Resources View Contents. We must watch to do good in the appointed manner.Application: 1. Judy. This morning’s Gospel reading is Mark 13:33–37: Jesus said to his disciples: “Be watchful! Sermon – Mark 13:24-27 – Waiting for The Coming of Jesus. Ted A. Giese / Sunday November 22nd 2015, Series (b) “The End - Relief or Anxiety” Mark 13:24-37 “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. III.OUR WORDS.IV.OUR HEART.(T. HOW SHALL WE OBEY THIS DUTY? I thought at first it was a man. It is natural to ask, Is there not some safeguard, some tried means of spiritual safety, that will at once secure our vigilance and make it efficacious? Constancy. IV.OUR HEART.(T. Sermon: God Became a Child (Luke 2:1-20) Sermon for Christmas Eve. Whenever we think our life is over, that darkness is our final reality, that we have been abandoned, or that loss and darkness are our only reality then we have fallen asleep. Some attempt to discover what has not been revealed of the future; some think too late. (Archbishop Leighton.). Richardson.)WatchH. Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. He excites in your heart love to Christ, and that arouses thought about him, speech concerning him, activity for him; and these go forth like advancing waves of influence into the lives of others, and none can foresee the end. Mark 13 Part 3: The Great Trouble and Apocalypse, Mark 13:14-27. Favoriting is a great way to keep a list of sermons, programs, and ministry resources in your account. Be alert! Faith looks back at the Cross, and finds peace. The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, a seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, forms visionary leaders to bear witness to the good news of Jesus Christ. E. Johnson, M. A.Most persons know what watching is. Advent and apocalyptic? It will restore our absent ones to us, in a home better than any here, a mansion bright and fragrant; with flowers fairer than any of earth. I shall not hasten my death by being still ready, but sweeten it. Patient Waiting - children's story by Larry Broding, - Family Activity: Family Time Together; Watching and Waiting - The Waiting Place - Ready for His Return - Children's Sermons from There was one whose hand I held in mine; with whom I trod — the narrow way that leadeth unto life? Guinness. 3. It happens in all sorts of ways. Constancy. Mark 13:27. Listen. Mark 13 : Play . "Because you might have preached to me Christ Jesus; and now I am lost." The nights are getting longer and days shorter as we approach the Winter solstice. Thank you. December 25, 2020. His advent will be to his people not a winter, but a summer, from which gloom and death will be banished, and in which there will be fruit-gathering after toil, and manifestation of beauty and glory arising from the discipline of the past. At some point our world falls apart, life changes, or the lights go out. 1. That coming will be indeed a blessed morning, the bringing in of an eternal day, one through all of whose sunny hours no more sickness or pain will be felt. ... (Sketches of Four Hundred Sermons.) Our work is preparing for it. Humanity has a natural curiosity. Download this week’s study guide: here. Let not this reproach be cast upon you.IV. Be on the lookout. )No disappointment to watchers for ChristE. But watchfulness also implies preparation. I went to where my friend lived, and asked, "Where is so and so?" It makes me not die the sooner, but the better.(A. I thought at first it was a man. Knowing that Jesus’ words will not pass away, what application is there for us? As to the destruction of Jerusalem, expect it to come very shortly. Marry a glorious sight is missed by those who will not watch.2. We can never go back to the way it was before the lights went out. With perseverance.(H. III. In the sphere of nature God arouses no force which does not arouse another; and though the primal energy passes on into many manifestations, it does not return to him void. Waiting becomes our prayer, a prayer that is and will be answered by God’s presence. Warwick. The mind must be awake, the understanding, the rational powers. Advent Begins - Get Ready! Saint Paul, Minnesota. 1. “No, I don’t think so,” he replied with that brutal candor that one often finds among the young. She has looked through the lattice of her humble retirement for the return of his chariot, and for a division of the honour gained, and kept on gazing and expecting, not knowing that he has fallen a captive to temptation, and that his soul was pierced through, nailed to the earth, and dead...Most of our earthly watching is, after all, sad and fruitless. The morning watches tell of unthought glories in the Sun of Righteousness.4. Run from our darkness and we run from God. You do not know when the time will come. It passes from us uselessly when in contact with the worldly, just as electricity passes off when insulation has been neglected. I. We're not trying to be morose. 1. It will mark the victorious return of every true soldier of the Cross, and his joyous coronation. Thanks for your encouragement and for reading my blog. I felt petrified. Read verse in The Message Bible The influence of the world to beget sloth.3. This … I may be wrong, but I believe that was the first "children's service" ever held in the Church of England. Download Pastor Nathan’s sermon notes: here. Why? I felt petrified. Worshipping.III. 1:7-9). Advent invites us to receive the God who comes to us in the darkness of life. Find Top Church Sermons, Illustrations, and Preaching Slides on Mark 13:27-37. There is blessing to be found in doing it. First Midweek Sermon. Don't let him deceive you with specious arguments and seductions.III. The world is ripening for it. Have been memorising psalm 139 while I do my morning exercises and love those words “for darkness is as light to you”. Science teaches us that natural agents are so closely related that they are mutually convertible. I felt petrified. When the man thinks in earnest, seasonably of right objects and to practical purpose — when he feels his obligations and his failures to discharge them — when he earnestly desires, and sincerely loves, what he admits to be true and binding — then he may be said, in the highest spiritual sense, to be awake. how much of this earthly watching ends in disappointment! But, alas! 1. With affection. Although essential, it is not enough to be awake. With perseverance.(H. IV. I will tell you how it was. Blessings and peace to you in the advent of your life. Sermon: The House that God Built (2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16; Luke 1:26-38) Sermon for the Fourth Sunday in Advent, Series B. The cry goes up, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord!" A. Oh wow! The sentry is awake; but he is more, he is upon his guard — his mind is full of his important trust. I was excited about preaching on the Christ’s triumphant entrance into Jerusalem and the Old Testament texts that promised Christ’s coming into the world. So we close our eyes. And God does. Mark 13:24-37 As we begin not only the Advent Season, but also another church year, this Gospel Lesson implores us to be watchful and alert. The tendency of the body to induce sleep.2. Related commentaries. She has looked through the lattice of her humble retirement for the return of his chariot, and for a division of the honour gained, and kept on gazing and expecting, not knowing that he has fallen a captive to temptation, and that his soul was pierced through, nailed to the earth, and dead...Most of our earthly watching is, after all, sad and fruitless. Presently, to my surprise, I saw something protruding; it was a piece of straw. Be on the lookout. Wishing you a good and holy Advent. Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Mark 13:24-37 EXEGESIS: MARK 13. Such as Paul had, who, amid temptations to indolence, and amid persecutions which might have made him falter, pressed forward steadfastly. Children’s sermon for Mark 13:24-37. Tell your Advent story; a story of change, loss, darkness. THERE ARE THINGS WHICH SUGGEST WATCHFULNESS.1. And then shall he send his angels — “with a great sound of a trumpet” (Matthew 24:31).. and shall gather together his elect, etc. More often than not we see this as the end. Be on the lookout. I will tell you how it was. No — the broad road that leadeth unto hell; and he has departed, he has been removed beyond the reach of my voice. II. 27 And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens. No one knows. The sentry may look for danger only in one quarter, and be overtaken by it from another direction. You have watched for the coming of expected friends. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. What other Scriptures refer to this? Mark 13:35-37. THINGS WHICH REPAY WATCHFULNESS.1. The overall theme for these five chapters (11:1-15:47) could be entitled: Jesus reveals the temple of his body as the true and living presence of God. The contrast is made in Daniel between the "beastly" kingdoms and rulers who had dominated Israel, and the vision of a "humane" kingdom and … 26 “At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. - A Sermon on Mark 4:1-11. November 20, 2011. (Archbishop Leighton.). Hope looks forward to the coronation, and gathers strength. No one else could hear it. November 22, 2020. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Be alert!” Catechesis with Children . From the moment you notice its buds form, the merest hint of green, you know summer's just around the corner. It may be the loss of a relationship, the loss of a loved one, the loss of what is comfortable, familiar, safe. E. Johnson, M. I soon found this was a man in armour — if you will, — but stuffed with straw. The presence of Christ is the ultimate answer to every prayer, to every light extinguishing loss, to every Advent of our life. THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN (13:26-27) The image in v. 26 comes from Daniel. First Wednesday in Advent St. Paul's Lutheran Church Wellston, Oklahoma: Wed, Dec 2, 2009 : The season of Advent is upon us. )WatchArchbishop Leighton.Men hear these warnings as general discourses, and let them pass so; they apply them not; or, if they do, it is readily to some other person. I shall not hasten my death by being still ready, but sweeten it. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! 4. “In those days … the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.” These are Jesus words to his disciples. It will mark the victorious return of every true soldier of the Cross, and his joyous coronation. Bred early to a knowledge of God, I became a backslider, and I wandered with him for years in the road that leads to hell. Time is too precious to waste in sleep.2. Don't let him deceive you with specious arguments and seductions.III. Mark 13:1-37 is set exactly in the middle of the passion narrative in the gospel of Mark. Time is too precious to waste in sleep. FOR CHRIST. Mr. Bilby wrote that hymn for me, for my first "children's service." FOR CHRIST. We are betwixt and between. The person said, "He went up to London; there he ran a course of dissipation, and then he was suddenly cut off by the hand of God." THINGS WHICH REPAY WATCHFULNESS.1. It comes at various points in life, not just the four or five weeks before Christmas. Download Pastor Nathan’s sermon notes: here. A. The mind may be awake in one sense and yet dreaming in another. BE ON YOUR GUARD. There was one whose hand I held in mine; with whom I trod — the narrow way that leadeth unto life? Be on the lookout. Faith looks back at the Cross, and finds peace. No One Knows That Day or Hour . Learn how your comment data is processed. Mark 13:37. The danger is a complex one. )No disappointment to watchers for ChristE. Every incident of life should bring it to remembrance. The night watches give an insight into depths of space.3. 2. Commentary on Mark 13:28-37 (Read Mark 13:28-37) We have the application of this prophetic sermon. Satan comes in many guises. Where Are We? Mark 12 Mark 13:32-37 Mark 14. "Well," was the reply, "he is dead." With patience. Presently, to my surprise, I saw something protruding; it was a piece of straw. Preparation: Have an alarm clock or your smart phone with an obvious alarm set like you would have to wake up in the morning. "Because you might have preached to me Christ Jesus; and now I am lost." (Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) ( Log Out /  1. And then he shall send his angels The ministers of the Gospel to preach it, and plant more churches among the Gentiles, since that at Jerusalem was entirely broken up: … Browse Sermons on Mark 13:27-37. 16:49. Sometimes I close my door and go on my knees in prayer, and beseech God to blot out the black mark. But they are addressed to all, that each one may regulate himself by them: and so these Divine truths are like a well-drawn picture, which looks particularly upon everyone, amongst the great multitude, that looks at it. 64:4). It sounds ominous and it is. Is it ours? How naturally prone we are to become secure and careless. "He wrote it for me. Mark 13:37 And what I say to you, I say to everyone: Keep watch!" With affection. Aye, methinks, if he might speak, he would curse me; he would say, "God curse you!" The dark times of life are threshold moments. It is a reality of life. It happens in all sorts of ways. In order to this it is essential that the powers should be exercised; in other words, that the man should think. More in About. Dr. Will Willimon Last week I told a Sophomore that I was preaching in Duke Chapel and invited him to attend this service. Commentary on Mark 13:24-27 ... Commentary on Mark 13:28-37 (Read Mark 13:28-37) We have the application of this prophetic sermon. Here we are again in Year B! Waiting.2. A restless conscience.3. There must be liveliness of affection no less than of intellect. ( Log Out /  Let us watch. I soon found this was a man in armour — if you will, — but stuffed with straw. Sometimes I close my door and go on my knees in prayer, and beseech God to blot out the black mark. Comentario del Evangelio por J. Manny Santiago, San Marcos 13:24-37, Working Preacher, 2011. Put on the Christian soldier's armour to preserve you from the fiery darts of the wicked. THE CONTEXT This chapter is often called The Little Apocalypse, based on its similarity to the Great Apocalypse of the Revelation of John. There is blessing awaiting us when we have done it. ( Log Out /  Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Because many are called, and few are chosen, In every field there are tares as well as wheat; in every church sinners and saints are blended together. A burning hope.(J. God redeems our life. Night vision is not about the light around us but the light that is within us, a light that can never be extinguished. (Show the variety of capacities distributed amongst the old and young, the rich and poor, and the diverse forms of Christian service to which these point.). The Advents of our lives set before us important questions. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Meanwhile the Master's eye and heart are towards His people, and He gives this motto.I. A special exhortation to this lies in the passage before us. Cecily, I am glad the sermons are helpful. Before then he had been a private in the Coldstream Guards, but he became a religious man, was converted while in the army. Have your alarm go off slightly before the Children’s time. Richardson.)WatchH. What are the signs that Jesus’ coming is near? Woderful sermon. I. 780+ | 39 min: The Great Tribulation - Are You Ready? Look at that--the colors are new! The design of the enemy to rob us while we slumber.II. What parable is Jesus referring to here? His advent will be to his people not a winter, but a summer, from which gloom and death will be banished, and in which there will be fruit-gathering after toil, and manifestation of beauty and glory arising from the discipline of the past. Mark 13.24-37 December 3, 2014. Watch, therefore, commune with your own heart, and let your spirit make diligent search. Commentary, Mark 13:24-37, Paul S. Berge, Preaching This Week,, 2008. THINGS WHICH PROMOTE WATCHFULNESS.1. If they have been long separated from you, if they have gone to a far country, how anxiously you await the day of their return! That was forty-five years ago, since I held my first "children's service." 26 And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. November 29, 2020. On walking round, I saw some more straw sticking out through the greaves of the armour. Advent is not just a liturgical season of the church year. LCMS Sermons - James T. Batchelor Sermon on Mark 13:24-37. Don't have an account? I will therefore be prepared for that at all times which may come at any time, and must come at one time or another. You may contact me by e-mail. It will restore our absent ones to us, in a home better than any here, a mansion bright and fragrant; with flowers fairer than any of earth. )No disappointment to watchers for ChristE. "Well," was the reply, "he is dead." They always hit home with me. 3. Advent Begins - Get Ready! Professor and the Marbury E. Anderson Chair of Biblical Preaching. Sermon Bible Commentary. It always is, provided we look only for what this world can bring and preserve in our keeping. They remind us that we do not know everything. In a niche I saw, by the light which streamed through the painted glass of an oriel window, a statue. You may be armed from head to foot, and yet false in your Christianity. It would be an interruption and disturbance to them to be told of Christ's coming. Wait. We have to discharge all the duties we owe to God, and our fellow Christians and neighbours; to improve all our talents wisely and faithfully. Is he here, or in another part of the country?" As the ad for the tabloid says, "Inquiring minds want to know." A longing desire.4. God's time clock is certainly out of sync with ours as Little Jimmy learned one day as he was laying on a hill in the middle of a meadow on a warm spring day. Marry a glorious sight is missed by those who will not watch.2. Alistair Begg | Messages from Truth For Life. A resource for the whole church from Luther Seminary. With affection. “Be alert,” Jesus warns. 2. You do not know when that time will come. I look forward to hearing from you. Pitts Creek and Beaver Dam Churches. Working.3. A sermon on Mark 13 by Coty Pinckney, Community Bible Church, Williamstown, MA 7/2/00 ... at midnight, at cockcrowing, or in the morning— 36 lest he come suddenly and find you asleep. “The Advents of our lives ask us to trust the Coming One more than the darkness.”. Commentary on Mark 13:24-37 View Bible Text . Watch, therefore, while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you. He had upon his head a helmet of iron; the vizor was drawn down over his face, concealing the features; he held on his arm a long shield that reached to the very ground; in his hand was grasped an iron sword, double edged; he wore on his bosom a strong breastplate; his limbs were covered with greaves and rings; his feet were also shod with iron. On Mark 13 part 4: Stay Vigilant, Keep watch! `` around us but the.. Intent upon buying and selling that they are mark 13 27 37 sermon convertible of the country ''! Week ’ s presence, our healing, and gathers strength the eternal Truth are. 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