If you have any query regarding your username and password please contact us. What were Basset Hounds bred for? The Basset Hound should do well on a high-quality dog food, whether commercially manufactured or home-prepared with your veterinarian’s supervision and approval. Some dogs are prone to getting overweight, so watch your dog’s calorie consumption and weight level. © The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2020. The skin over the whole of the head is loose, falling in distinct wrinkles over the brow when the head is lowered. Founded in 1884, the AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for dogs. We work to raise funds to save as many hounds as possible and constantly strive to … The Albany was formed and financially supported by members of the Basset Hound Club (BHC) to ensure that Kennel club (KC) registered Bassets should … Home; ... A HOLD will then be placed on available choice and will be held for 4 working days. Find Basset Hound Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Basset Hound information. The Basset Hound possesses in marked degree those characteristics which equip it admirably to follow a trail over and through difficult terrain. Basset Hounds are not as active as some breeds, but they do require regular, moderate exercise. It is thought that the friars of the Abbey of St. Hubert were responsible for crossing strains of older French breeds to create a low-built scenting hound that could plod over rough terrain while followed on foot by a human hunting partner tracking rabbit and deer. He will also need his nails trimmed regularly, and his ears need special attention and consistent cleaning as they are long and could be prone to infection. A broad flat skull is a fault. Clean, fresh water should be available at all times. The breed’s scenting ability is uncanny; it’s said that among dogs only the Bloodhound’s nose is more accurate. Viewed in profile the top lines of the muzzle and skull are straight and lie in parallel planes, with a moderately defined stop. A dry head and tight skin are faults. Wolf Creek Basset Hounds is a small family owned business that raises Basset Hound puppies for sale. Its chest is deep with a prominent sternum placed directly in front of the legs. Location: Diboll, TX. Bassets are famous for a large, domed head that features extremely long, velvety ears, mournful eyes, and a wrinkled brow, which give the breed the look of a sad clown. Located in the Texas Hill Country near Fredericksburg. Viewed from behind, the hind legs are parallel, with the hocks turning neither in nor out. All rights reserved. Now, why does the show basset has such screwy conformation? It will enable everyone to get to know the hounds, and especially members and hound … Essential info about dog health, training, sports and more. The ribs are well sprung, allowing adequate room for heart and lungs. Treats can be an important aid in training, but giving too many can cause obesity. The distance from the deepest point of the chest to the ground, while it must be adequate to allow free movement when working in the field, is not to be more than one-third the total height at the withers of an adult Basset. It is packed with photographs and information on these unique hounds from all of the different events that they attend during the year. This low-slung and low-key hound can be sometimes stubborn, but is always charming. We are between Houston and Victoria, Texas. https://www.akc.org/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php, https://www.akc.org/subscription/thank-you. Exercise will help to keep the Basset healthy and prevent him from becoming overweight. The Albany Bassets 1972 to 2006. In fact, that’s the only place where a dog with such bizarre conformation would have any utility. 1. The skull is well domed, showing a pronounced occipital protuberance. Also, during 1789, much after the French Revolution, horseback hunting was reserved for kings and members of the elite, hence hunting on foot became really popular and alongside it, the demand for Basset Hounds. In so doing, BHU will help carry forth the mission of the Basset Hound Club of America. This is a scent hound with an incredibly keen nose. Usually a daily walk at a moderate pace will fill the bill. It is a short-legged dog, heavier in bone, size considered, than any other breed of dog, and while its movement is deliberate, it is in no sense clumsy. The shoulders and elbows are set close against the sides of the chest. The coat is hard, smooth, and short, with sufficient density to be of use in all weather. The skin is loose and elastic. Archaeologists also found mummified remains of short-legged dogs in a Dog Catacomb (Yes, they have one!) The shoulders are well laid back and powerful. How do you vet Basset Hound sellers? Only paid up members will be entitled to access our members section. The dog stands firmly on its hind legs showing a well-let-down stifle with no tendency toward a crouching stance. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The forelegs are short, powerful, heavy in bone, with wrinkled skin. Its length from occiput to muzzle is greater than the width at the brow. In a foster home our dogs are a part of an actual family. In 1955 members of the Basset Hound Club formed a working branch to "foster the hunting instinct inherent in every Basset Hound", initially all members of the club were encouraged to enter their pet Basset and see if it could work with a nucleus of kenneled hounds. Learn about which human foods are safe for dogs, and which are not. Usually a daily walk at a moderate pace will fill the bill. Their floppy ears also help to sweep the scent in towards the dog’s nose to make it stronger as the dog follows it along the path. It will enable everyone to get to know the hounds, and especially members and hound sponsors who are unable to attend our events but who so generously support the pack. Shedding can be kept under control by gently going over the dog at least once a week with a soft brush or a shedding tool. Basset Hound UNIVERSITY. However, a Basset definitely can be trained—it will just take time, consistency, and persistence. Built more for endurance than speed, the Basset moves in a deliberate but effortless manner. After a walk or play session they’ll typically settle down for a comfortable sleep. "Basset" as applied to a breed of dog derives from the French adjective bas, meaning "low thing" or "dwarf". You may need to go to the park 2-3 times a week and try routines like fetch. Although they may not be wildly demonstrative in their affections, they are steadfastly loyal. There is evidence that these dogs are ideal companions of the Egyptians in their daily life, as seen in the engravings they discovered. The Basset Hound was recognized by the AKC in 1885 and is its 10th breed. It is packed with photographs and information on these unique hounds from all of the different events that they attend during the year. The chest is deep and full with prominent sternum showing clearly in front of the legs. Mahogany Basset Hounds do not have black hair in the Mahogany areas. The legs of the Basset Hound are disproportionately short relative to the size of … The Basset Hound is fun and as lively as can be but they do not have a high energy level and as such high-intensity exercise activities aren’t for this breed. Flatsidedness and flanged ribs are faults. Having patience and using repetition works well with Basset Hounds, and success will come to those who persevere. These French natives are famed working dogs, and the Basset Hound hunting skill is legendary. Responsible breeders check for health conditions such as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, glaucoma, hypothyroidism, bleeding disorders, and luxating patella, a dislocated kneecap once called a “trick knee” in humans. The breed’s shoulders and elbows are close against the sides of the chest, and the shoulders are at a powerful stance. Basset Hounds were originally bred in France and Belgium (“basset” is French for “low”). The hair on the underside of the tail is coarse. The Basset’s short hair can shed profusely. I love spending time with my basset hound and he loves coming to work with me at the kava bar! They are usually calm but can do with playfulness too. The hindquarters are very full and well rounded, and are approximately equal to the shoulders in width. If a deposit is not received, the HOLD will be taken off and the puppy will become available. However, the two parent breeds have an interesting history. Check with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog’s weight or diet. QUICK TIP: Search for dogs closest to your area by changing the search location. The AKC has grouped all of the breeds that it registers into seven categories, or groups, roughly based on function and heritage. AKC actively advocates for responsible dog ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports. The Basset Hound’s paws are massive and have tough pads. The pack was admitted to the Masters of Bassets Association (MBHA) with registered hunting country around Stamford, Lincolnshire. They are set far back on the head at the base of the skull and, in repose, appear to be set on the neck. Basset Hound Puppies for sale in Texas Select a Breed. AKC Marketplace is the only site to exclusively list 100% AKC puppies from AKC-Registered litters and the breeders who have cared for and raised these puppies are required to follow rules and regulations established by the AKC. There is limited information available as to where or when the Hush Basset originated. NTBHR relies on fosters to care for our rescued Basset Hounds. But even before the late 1800’s, dogs had been working with the law as early as the Medieval period.The first dog breed to work in the K9 police unit was the Bloodhound. A Mahogany and White Basset Hound can also be differentiated from a Red and White Basset Hound by looking at their hair. Don't miss what's happening in your neighborhood. Most historians believe that the European basset came from an ancient line of short-legged dogs found in the Middle Kingdom of Egypt. The toes are neither pinched together nor splayed, with the weight of the forepart of the body borne evenly on each. Over the centuries, scenthounds of this type were developed to hunt on their own and to follow a track without distraction. The site will be constantly updated with new photographs and information for everyone to enjoy. You may need to go to the park 2-3 times a week and try routines like fetch. Feet down at the pastern are a serious fault. Want to connect with other people who love the same breed as much as you do? The tail is not docked but contains a slight curve. 568. Basset Hounds are not as active as some breeds, but they do require regular, moderate exercise. The hind feet point straight ahead. Steepness in shoulder, fiddle fronts, and elbows that are out, are serious faults. Ideally, you will start working with your Basset when he is a young puppy, to establish that your dog needs to attend and listen to you, older dogs can take longer to train. They are usually calm but can do with playfulness too. In 1972 the working branch was reorganised and renamed as the Albany Bassets. The sides are flat and free from cheek bumps. The paw is massive, very heavy with tough heavy pads, well rounded and with both feet inclined equally a trifle outward, balancing the width of the shoulders. The Basset is calm inside, but needs regular exercise in order to keep fit. The short fur of a Basset Hound is actually a little misleading because these dogs require a moderate amount of brushing, approximately 2 to 3 times per week. A high set or flat ear is a serious fault. They must not appear slack or light in relation to the overall depth of the body. Back in 1888, one of the most notorious serial killers in human history was on the loose: … Although Basset Hounds might look like couch potatoes, quite the opposite is true. This enables each dog to become well socialized with other dogs and people. It is also believed that the Basset Hound breed is a mutation of the Norman Staghounds, also a St Hubert Hound descendant. We have plenty of opportunities to get involved in your local community, thanks to AKC Breed Clubs located in every state, and more than 450 AKC Rescue Network groups across the country. Basset Hounds who don't get enough exercise can become obese, which puts additional stress on their bones and joints and causes more health problems. In overall appearance the head is of medium width. The Basset Hound is fun and as lively as can be but they do not have a high energy level and as such high-intensity exercise activities aren’t for this breed. Blue – Although it is very amusing to imagine a rainbow’s blue on a Basset Hound, a blue coat typically looks like a metallic dark gray coat. In the US, it was thought that George Washington owned Bassets presented to him as a gift by Lafayette after the American Revolution. Any diet should be appropriate to the dog’s age (puppy, adult, or senior). Answer a few simple questions and find the right dog for you, Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side, Browse the AKC Marketplace to find the right puppy for you, Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration, Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid, The Basset Hound should do well on a high-quality. Read the Official Breed Club Health Statement. Brushing your dog’s teeth with specially formulated canine toothpaste at least twice a week is also a vital part of Basset health care. The head is large and well proportioned. Although it might seem that with his short, smooth hair the Basset Hound won’t need any grooming, that’s not quite the case. It is capable of great endurance in the field and is extreme in its devotion. There are also working strain bassets, which have the lighter frames, shorter ears, and tighter skin. The Basset Hound stands no higher than 14 inches at the shoulder but, with his remarkably heavy bone, powerful little legs, and massive paws, he possesses big-dog strength and stamina. Basset Hounds are great at Scent Work. In 1935, the Basset Hound Club of America was organized in the United States. Basset Hound , Really cute, very beautiful Bassett Hound puppy, 8 months old. There are so many sellers of Dallas Basset Hound puppies for sale, it can be hard to tell them apart. Find Basset Hounds for Sale in Huntsville, AL on Oodle Classifieds. The Basset Hound was bred to hunt, with a keen nose and short stature suited to small-game hunting on foot. in the village of Saqqara, Egypt. Basset Hound breeders and businesses have a long history of breeding Basset Hounds, since the breed goes way back to the 6th century in France. Welcome to our new website which we hope will give people an insight onto the wonderful world of the working Basset. Cowhocks or bowed legs are serious faults. Regular grooming sessions are an important part of keeping the breed healthy and happy. This breed is amiable with dogs, other pets, and children, although children must be cautioned not to put strain on this and all dogs’ backs with their games. It is also believed that the Basset Hound breed is a mutation of the Norman Staghounds, also a St Hubert Hound descendant. The dewclaws may be removed. They are velvety in texture, hanging in loose folds with the ends curling slightly inward. Chondrodysplasia. Because of the Basset’s ears are long and droopy, it’s important to check them frequently to ensure that air circulation hasn’t led to an infection. Also, during 1789, much after the French Revolution, horseback hunting was reserved for kings and members of the elite, hence hunting on foot became really popular and alongside it, the demand for Basset Hounds. All Basset Hound found here are from AKC-Registered parents. As well as removing hair that is ready to shed, grooming is like an all-body massage that benefits his skin and overall health. The ears are extremely long, low set, and when drawn forward, fold well over the end of the nose. Knuckling over of the front legs is a disqualification. In trailing ability, the accuracy of the Basset’s nose makes him second only to the Bloodhound. San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Austin, Texas are only a few hours away. The February 27, 1928 issue of Time magazine carried the picture of a Basset puppy on the cover. Basset Hound Rescue of Southern California is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization offering sanctuary, healing and forever families to distressed, abandoned, injured or homeless hounds. Breeds are grouped together because they share traits of form and function or a common heritage. To work with me at the ears are extremely long, low,... 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