Spazzole di carbone di ricambio per Bosch Maxx 6 VarioPerfect Siemens IQ300 IQ500 IQ700 00605694 605694 Constructa, carboncini 12,3 x 4,8 x 43 mm, set da 2 per lavatrice 4,0 su 5 stelle 5 13,23 € 13,23 € F ield data ha ve indicated that Primo MAXX may not be rainfast soon aft er application. Maxx è un personaggio dei fumetti creato da Sam Kieth e pubblicato dalla casa editrice statunitense Image Comics dal 1993 al 1998. Primo MAXX consente di ridurre il numero degli sfalci e la quantità dell’erba falciata. Use your own numbers to calculate the financial benefits of using Primo MAXX on fairways. Plant Growth Regulator. PRIMO MAXX è un concime a doppio lento rilascio controllato, ideale per la ripresa vegetativa primaverile del tappeto erboso. Primo Maxx ® is a plant growth regulator for management of amenity turf areas such as parks, golf course fairways, tees and greens, sports fields, cemeteries and turf farms. Quest pacchetto supporta il Fall Creators Update di Windows 10 3. Application should be completed at least 3 hours befor e irrigation or rain. 17509 Active Ingredients: 116.4 g/l trinexapac-ethyl Changes in a co-formulant ingredient mean that products with the previous MAPP no. STORAGE 1. Prepare no more mixture than is necessary for the immediate operation. PRIMO MAXX reaches the growing point by foliar uptake. 150/1000 ad Ha a seconda delle indicazioni del tecnico di zona. PRIMO MAXX II is the trusted growth regulator that pre-conditions turf for stress and optimises surface quality and colour. Low bioaccumulation potential. NOTE: In the absence of a repeated application, turf treated with Primo MAXX may grow more rapidly than untreated turf for several weeks following a p eriod of suppressed growth. Contact your local distributor/dealer or municipality for the location of the nearest collection site. AZOTO a LENTO RILASCIO ( 23% O.A.T.) Modo e durata di azione Primo MAXX limita l’allungamento delle cellule inibendo la sintesi delle gibberelline. Before taking the container to the collection site: 1. F ield data ha ve indicated that Primo … Make the empty container unsuitable for further use. For refillable containers: For disposal, this container may be returned to the point of purchase (distributor/dealer). Scopri le migliori offerte, subito a casa, in tutta sicurezza. Già da diversi anni con l’introduzione delle forme a lento rilascio si è cercato di ovviare a queste due problematiche. Primo MAXX reaches the growing point by foliar uptake. Rivalta - 42123 Reggio Emilia - Italia, Telefono: +39 0522 560 976 If desirable, recommended rates of iron per 100 m2 can also be used. Contact Everris Limited Epsilon House, West Road Ipswich IP3 9FJ Tel. Contact t he manufacturer an d the provincial reg ulatory age ncy i n case of a spill, and for clean-up of spills. Primo MAXX is a micro-emulsion concentrate (MEC) with minimal odour because the product does not contain petroleum solvents. PRIMO MAXX Turf Growth Regulator will promote greener, denser, more resilient turf with less growth, fewer clippings and therefore less expensive maintenance. Email:, Informativa sulla privacy - Cookie policy. MaxxMagnum, MaxxVise e MaxxUPC sono tutti cross compatibili al 100% con System 3R® ed Erowa® Tooling, Premium Engineered e … In summary, PRIMO MAXX is a unique management tool that allows turf managers to improve turf grass on their facilities and is the industry standard in turf growth regulation. Just locate your preferred application site and search the three columns for your desired result. PRIMO MAXX contiene Calcio e zolfo, meso elementi indispensabili per l’equilibrio di tutte le piante. + AZOTO a RILASCIO CONTROLLATO ( azoto complessato con calcio NOTE: Due to risk of injury to turf, avoid overlapping and d o not apply to turf that is stressed, such as by low fertility, high temperatures, drought, frost or to turf that is diseased or insectdamaged. Add the rinsings to the spray mixture in the tank. PRIMO SEED presenta PRIMO MAXX: PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR FOR TURF GROWTH MANAGEMENTPrimo MAXX is a micro-emulsion concentrate f or managing growth of turfgrass on golf courses and commercial sod farms only.DO NOT APPLY BY AIR. Primo MAXX mixes completely with water. Keep from freezing. Primo MAXX can be applied to well-maintained turf on golf courses and commercial sod farms. La TJX Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TJX), è una multinazionale statunitense di beni casalinghi e d'abbigliamento con sede a Framingham, Massachusetts. Visita eBay per trovare una vasta selezione di maxx blend aroma. CONTAINER DISPOSAL: For recyclable containers: Do not reuse this cont ainer for any purpose. : increased turf quality, are frequently observed after Primo MAXX applications. PRIMO MAXX è un azotato ad altissima efficenza rispettoso dell’ambiente. Non crea picchi di crescita brevi e disformi, ma graduali e di lunga durata. Nei concimi la forma azotata è la più soggetta a perdite sia per dilavamento che per gassificazione, oltre allo spreco economico spesso viene messo in risalto anche l’inquinamento ambientale. Si avvantaggiano del suo uso: Cereali, Barbabietola, Foraggere, Medica, Orticole, Arboree ecc.. si consiglia inoltre l’utilizzo per la cura del verde (parchi, giardini ecc.) Primo Maxx II Growth Regulator - MAPP no. 2. NOTE: Do not make more than 7 applications at the rates sho wn in Table 1 or 1 4 applications at the half rate per year. PRIMO MAXX should be applied to actively growing turf, at … • In presenza di percentuali di Poa annua superiori al 20% diminuire la dose per ettaro come da etichetta. Primo Maxx use rates may need to be reduced up to 50% for turfgrass grown under conditions of low fertility, compaction, or other factors which stress turf. This in turn produces a thicker, healthier sward that better equips your turf to withstand temperature extremes, moisture loss, traffic and wear and tear, and even helps in the management of Poa annua. La combinazione dei due rilasci: Chimico/biologico (questa forma entra in azione quando le temperature del terreno fanno entrare in azione i batteri utili) e fisico/complessato, permette di controllare ed ottimizzare il rilascio dell’azoto a totale vantaggio delle colture e dell’ambiente. L’impiego di Primo Maxx viene indicato per tappeti ben curati (irrigati, concimati, diserbati, ecc.) If there is no container collection site in your area, dispose of the container in accordance with provincial requirements. Primo MAXX viene utilizzato per rallentare lo sviluppo vegetativo delle graminacee nelle epoche in cui la loro crescita è maggiore. PRIMO MAXX è un vero lento rilascio a combinazione bilanciata tra azoto a rilascio controllato e lento rilascio. PRIMO MAXX can be used to manage difficult-to-mow areas and reduce turf growth along curbs, parking lots, cart paths, bunkers and around trees, shrubs and flower beds. Other benefits, such as increased turf density, increased color, ar. … It must be refilled by the distributor/dealer with the same product. Designed to simplify your record keeping with accurate and automatic AI calculations for IPM reporting. HERITAGE® Lawn and Garden: Australia, Japan, United Kingdom, United States: A leading fungicide for turf and landscape management. Formulato completamente assimilabile grazie alla suo contenuto in zolfo e calcio. maturazione della pianta. Primo Maxx ® works by restricting the growth of the grass which in turn reduces the frequency of … Primo Maxx is odorless and mixes clear as water. Do not use or store near heat or open flame. Not persistent in soil or water. GreenCast Calculators. Primo Maxx ® promotes denser, healthier turf that is better able to withstand a variety of stresses including heat, drought, diseases and traffic. Primo MAXX may cause temporary yellowing. Kg. Store in original container in a secured, dry storage area. Store the tightly closed container away from seeds, fertilizers, plants and foodstuffs. Scopri le migliori offerte, subito a casa, in tutta sicurezza. At these rates Primo MAXX provides approximately 50% growth inhibition. Prestazioni MaxxMacro e Maxx-ER Tooling Systems. Primo MAXX penetra nella pianta attraverso le … • Primo Maxx può essere applicato sia prima che dopo il taglio, purché si osservi un intervallo di 24 ore dal medesimo. PRIMO MAXX contiene Calcio e zolfo, meso elementi indispensabili per l’equilibrio di tutte le piante. To minimize yellowing and to enhance the green colour of turf, apply readily available nitrogen at 0.1- 0.25 kg of actual nitrogen per 100 m2. Primo MAXX can be used to manage difficult-to-mow areas and reduce turf growth along curbs, parking lots, cart paths, bunkers and around trees, shrubs and flower beds. Primo Maxx … Preliminary results from a University of California, Riverside study suggest that when keeping turf adequately fertilized, the regular use of Revolution and Primo Maxx† can be a powerful tool to manage bermudagrass with less water. It slows the production of gibberellic acid, a plant hormone that promotes cell elongation. Not only does Primo MAXX inhibit vertical growth, but actually diverts plant growth downward into the root system to produce increased food reserves and lateral stem development. Application should be completed at least 3 Primo MAXX can be applied every 4 weeks or later as required to actively growing turf only at the rates shown in Table 1. PRIMO MAXX can be used to manage difficult-to-mow areas and reduce turf growth along curbs, parking lots, cart paths, bunkers and around trees, shrubs and flower beds. L’alta quantità di zolfo sotto forma di So3 aiuta l’acidificazione dei terreni con notevole vantaggio nell’assorbimento di tutti gli elementi nutritivi e per la sanità delle radici stesse. Caratteristiche: Con il suo uso si possono diminuire i passaggi di distribuzione dell’azoto con conseguente risparmio economico anche come carburante e ridurre di conseguenza anche il calpestio sulle colture. This usually disappears about one week after application. The findings were presented last week at the university’s annual turfgrass field day. Spedizione GRATUITA sul tuo primo ordine spedito da Amazon CLEANmaxx 02126 Scopa per Pavimenti con 3 Spazzole, Scopa, Collettore Rotante, Forcellone Lunga, Macchina e Paletta 3,2 su 5 stelle 125 DO NOT APPLY PRIMO MAXX FOR TWO WEEKS FOLLOWING AN A ERATION OR VERTICUTTING. Modalità e dori d’impiego: Via Orlando Strozzi, 9/B - Loc. 14780 was available for sale until the 30th April 2017 with a use-up period expiring on the 30th April 2018. If you require support from a product specialist or have further questions, please use our Contact Us form or call us at 1-877-438-6229 (Mon-Fri 8am-5pm EST). Questo pacchetto guida il cliente a scaricare da Windows Store l'applicazione Waves Maxx Audio supportata su piattaforme Dell con sistema operativo Windows 10 (64 bit). Triple- or pressure-rinse the empty container. RECOMMENDED TURF SITES AND APPLICATIONS RATES FOR PRIMO MAXX AND TRIMMIT 2SC The following tables outline the proper sites and application rates for applying Primo Maxx ® and Trimmit 2SC plant growth regulators. Visita eBay per trovare una vasta selezione di traxxas e-maxx. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Environmental Fate Eco-Acute Toxicity The information presented here is for the active ingredient, trinexapac-ethyl. Full growth regulat ion by Primo MAXX begins about 3-5 days after application.Primo MAXX can be applied to well-maintained turf on golf courses and commercial sod farms. For managing growth, improving quality and stress tolerance, and edging of warm-and cool-season turfgrasses. PRIMO MAXX® Other ingredients: Not Applicable Tetrahydrofurfuryl Alcohol: Skin, central nervous system, liver, kidney 12. : +44 (0)844 8094470 Customer Services Tel: + 44 (0)1473 237123 Fax: +44 (0)1473 237128 chimico/biologico che permette di nutrire tutte le colture accompagnandole in tutte le loro fasi fenologiche, fino a. maturazione della pianta. Once Primo MAXX is uniformly mixed, no further agitation is required. PRIMO MAXX reaches the growing point by foliar uptake. Fertility level, moisture availability, plant vigour, height, and frequency of mowing, have been shown to influence the activity of Primo MAXX. Australia, Canada, United States: A well-known contact fungicide giving broad-spectrum control in turf. chimico/biologico che permette di nutrire tutte le colture accompagnandole in tutte le loro fasi fenologiche, fino a Field data have indicated that Primo MAXX may not be rainfast soon after application. Le modalità e dosi di impiego dipendono dal tipo di coltura, dal terreno e dalla temperatura. Primo MAXX for turf growth management reduces the frequency of mowing and the amount of grass clippings by reducing the growth of warm-and cool-season turfgrasses. Primo MAXX can be used to manage difficult-to-mow areas and reduce turf growth along curbs, parking lots, cart paths, bunkers and around trees, shrubs and flower beds. PRIMO MAXX is the trusted growth regulator that pre-conditions turf for stress and optimises surface quality and colour. This is a recyclable container, and is to be disposed of at a container collection site. Primo MAXX can be used to manage difficult-to-mow areas and reduce turf growth along curbs, parking lots, cart paths, bunkers and around trees, shrubs and flower beds. Areas treated with Primo MAXX should continue to receive regular maintenance pr actices, including irrigat ion, fertilization, and weed, disease, and inse ct control when necessary, as recommended for quality turf.APPLICATION INFORMATION Environmental conditions, management, and cultural practices that affect turf growth and vigour will influence the response of the turf to Primo MAXX applications. New Primo Maxx label recommendations now give golf course managers and greenkeepers greater flexibility to control turf growth and improve playing surface quality, from tee to green. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more. DISPOSAL OF UNUSED, UNWANTED PRODUCT For i nformation on d isposal o f u nused, u nwanted product, con tact the manufacturer or t he provincial regulatory agency. 5. PRIMO MAXX è un vero lento rilascio a combinazione bilanciata tra azoto a rilascio controllato e lento rilascio o installati su terreni fertili adibiti a campi da golf, campi sportivi, ippodromi, parchi. View the product label for Primo MAXX from Syngenta LLC. 2. L’alta quantità di zolfo sotto forma di So3 aiuta l’acidificazione dei terreni con notevole vantaggio nell’assorbimento di tutti gli elementi nutritivi e per la sanità delle radici stesse. Primo MAXX reaches the growing point by foliar uptake. Vertical shoot growth is slowed, while lateral and below-ground growth of rhizomes, stolons, tillers and roots is stimulated. If you require support from a product specialist or have further questions, please use our Contact Us form or call us at 1-877-438-6229 (Mon-Fri 8am-5pm EST). Do not use this conta iner for any other purpose.GENERAL INFORMATION Primo MAXX reduces the frequency of mowing and the amount of grass clippings by regulating the growth of turfgrass. PRIMO MAXX should be used at a rate of 2 mL/L of line marking paint applied, or 40 mL in a 20 L tank, for example. PRIMO MAXX si presta ad essere usato sia in terreni “leggeri” che in terreni “pesanti”, in colture sommerse come il riso ed in colture ad alta esigenza di azoto come il mais ecc. Primo MAXX may be applied at one-half (1/2) of the rate shown in Table 1 when a pplied every two weeks or later as required during the summer when turf growth begins to slow due to the high temperatures or where yellowing of annual bluegrass (Poa annua) is a concern. Può essere usato in tutte le colture che hanno bisogno di azoto. Così, viene ridotta la crescita delle foglie e degli internodi. Mixing Instructions PRIMO MAXX Only Apply Primo MAXX in sufficient carrier (for example 2-15 L of water per 100 m2) to provide uniform and thorough coverage. Prevent cross contamination with other pesticides. 4. con rilascio controllato fisico). Field data have indicated that PRIMO … NOTE: A reduction in turf quality (as overall appearance, including colour and/or density may occur after application, however reductions are transient and recovery within 2-4 weeks is normally observed.
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