This forgery fooled many scholars at the time: "The editors of 'Die Musik' submitted this Beethoven manuscript to many well-known experts, all of whom independently declared it to be genuine." This letter to an unnamed "Immortal Beloved" was found in the personal papers of Ludwig van Beethoven after his death in 1827. [Beethoven's Immortal Beloved. "The flaw in this [Solomon's] methodology [in Support of Antonie] was that he established requirements that he knew only his candidate could meet. (p. xv) "Tellenbach ... too has unfortunately never appeared in English translation." "[56], Altman (1996) "demonstrates, as indeed Tellenbach has done, that much of the basis for the claims of Antonie's supporters consists of distortions, suppositions, opinions, and even plain inaccuracies." "[38], "Beethoven! There is one, however, and only one, to whom Beethoven did pour his heart out in impassioned declarations of undying love remarkably similar to the phraseology of the anguished letter to his Immortal Beloved… That one is his 'BELOVED AND ONLY J' – Josephine. So, it was obviously important to Beethoven to deliver a good job here. sei." The cycle sets excerpts from Beethoven's letter of 6–7 July 1812. She was a happily married wife and mother ... her candidacy, which includes the improbable scenario of a 'ménage à trois' in Karlsbad, makes no psychological sense." Viele Beethoven-Forscher wollten dies aber nicht glauben und gaben in Tages- und Fachzeitschriften ihrer Überzeugung Ausdruck, daß es sich zweifellos um ein wertvolles echtes Stück handelt.] In his numerous letters, compositions and notes there are some - albeit unrequited - declarations of love. (Jean and Brigitte Massin 1955, p. "… es war mir leid, lieber V. den letzten Abend in Prag nicht mit ihnen zubringen zu können, und ich fand es selbst für unanständig, allein ein Umstand den ich nicht vorhersehen könnte, hielt mich davon ab." 1. the woman must have been in Prague and Karlsbad around the time in question (like Beethoven); 2. she must have been closely acquainted (at least on very friendly terms) with Beethoven, at the time immediately before this event. Two of three letters by Beethoven to Bettina (and published by her) are generally considered forgeries (like similar letters by Goethe she published), although Walden devotes an entire Chapter setting out evidence in support of the letter's authenticity. (Josephine's Diary, June 1812, in Steblin 2007, p. (A Letter by Christoph Baron von Stackelberg to Josephine Brunsvik-Deym-Stackelberg.). (Josephine Countess Brunsvik-Deym's Secret Revealed: New Results about her Relationship to Beethoven. 27, No. "[42] Therefore, a total of 10 pages make up the Immortal Beloved letter. (Antonie to Clemens, 26 January 1811, in Goldschmidt 1980, p. 524), "Den 2tn März, 1812 mir vom Author erbethen.". 182-185, p. 349, Walden (2002, 2011). Swafford, Jan: Beethoven: Anguish and Triumph. The gods must send us everything else, whatever must and shall be our fate--Your faithful Ludwig, Monday evening, July 6thYou are suffering, you, my most precious one--I have noticed the very moment that letters have to be handed in very early, on Monday--or on Thursday--the only days when the mail coach goes from here to K[arlsbad].--You are suffering--Oh, where I am, you are with me--I will see to it that you and I, that I can live with you. [... veröffentlichte Bekker, der von ihm publizierte Beethoven-Brief sei eine Fälschung. See more ideas about love letters, beethoven, immortal. ... Ich habe Stackb zu liebe [mich] physisch zugrunde gerichtet indem ich ... noch so viele Kummer und Krankheit durch ihn zugezogen habe." But good and possibly heartfelt music actually indeed also suffices. [46] His hypothesis was founded on two major assumptions (or prerequisites): ad 1: Antonie arrived in Prague on 3 July 1812 after an arduous journey with husband, child and servant (and was registered there); she left at dawn the following morning: "Where did she have time that night for a tryst with Beethoven?" "Von der Meldepflicht bei Kurzaufenthalten waren ... Inländer befreit." Meredith, William (2011): "Introduction", in Walden (2011), pp. "November 1811 sehen wir Beethoven ein neuverfaßtes Lied mit der Überschrift 'An die Geliebte' der bayerischen Hofsängerin Regina Lang ins Stammbuch schreiben. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) was a German composer and pianist. Josephine's candidacy as the "Immortal Beloved" was contested by Solomon (1988), mainly in response to Massin (1955, 1970), Goldschmidt (1980) and Tellenbach (1983). Why do we doubt his word that there was only one woman who had captured his heart?" "I was so lucky to have been acquainted with Beethoven, intimately and intellectually, for so many years! ], Skwara, Dagmar/Steblin, Rita (2007): "Ein Brief Christoph Freiherr von Stackelbergs an Josephine Brunsvik-Deym-Stackelberg." The passionate feelings manifested in these letters where addressed to a person unknown. (Beethoven's mention in the letter of Prince Esterházy's presence at Teplitz confirms that the year must have been 1812) (Goldschmidt 1980). (Josephine to Beethoven, Winter 1806/7, in Schmidt-Görg 1957, p. (Therese's Diary, March 1848, in Goldschmidt 1980, p. (Solomon 1998, p. 461, n. (La Mara 1920, p. (Steblin 2007, p. 148) They were therefore not independent objective requirements at all." It is unclear whether or not the letter was ever sent, or if it was sent, if it was returned. ... St. will daß ich mir selbst sitzen soll. In 1955 the French scholars Jean and Brigitte Massin noted that Antonie Brentano was present in Prague and Karlsbad at the time and proposed her as a possible candidate for the "Immortal Beloved": "The assumption that it could have been Antonie Brentano, is both tantalizing and absurd. 120 to her, and in one of his letters found after his death, he famously wrote: “Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, Be calm–love me–today–yesterday–what tearful longings for you–you–you–my life–my all–farewell. He used documents about Beethoven's and the Brentanos' whereabouts discovered by Marek (1969); see Goldschmidt (1980). Beethoven did not indicate who the intended recipient is, but the most likely candidates are Countess Giulietta Guicciardi, Josephine von Brunsvik, Antonie Brentano, and Josephine’s sister, Countess Therese Brunsvik. Josephine expressed her clear intention to go to, Albrecht, Theodore (2009): "Anton Schindler as destroyer and forger of Beethoven's conversation books: A case for decriminalization.". A crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in Classical music, he remains one of the most recognized and influential of all composers. Refuted by Goldschmidt (1980), p. 325 f. Astonishingly, this book was published in 1964 in German translation even though the "13 Letters" (translated by Anderson, 1961) had meanwhile been published, clearly indicating a very heterosexual drive in the composer! All we know is that it was written on the 6th and 7th of July. This page was last edited on 31 December 2020, at 17:58. My hear overflows with a longing to tell you so many things--Oh--there are moments when I find that speech is quite inadequate--Be cheerful-- and be for ever my faithful, my only sweetheart, my all, as I am yours. [14], After Schmidt-Görg (1957) published 13 then-unknown love letters by Beethoven to Josephine Brunsvik, it became clear that the one to the "Immortal Beloved" was not the only love letter authored by him. Howell, Standley (1979): "Beethoven's Mälzel Canon. Beahrs, Virginia (1990): "My Angel, My All, My Self": A Literal Translation of Beethoven's Letter to the Immortal Beloved. It was written to an unknown woman who Beethoven simply called his *Immortal Beloved. [17] Steblin, Rita (2009): "'A dear, enchanting girl who loves me and whom I love': New Facts about Beethoven's Beloved Piano Pupil Julie Guicciardi". ), Rolland was in contact with Marianne Czeke, who seemed to have known quite a lot more about the relationship between Beethoven and the Brunsviks. "[52] The background to this: "In November 1811, we see Beethoven writing a newly composed song with the heading 'An die Geliebte' [To the Beloved] into the album of the Bavarian Court singer Regina Lang. 296. (p. xvii). (Cooper 1996, p. 18)[57], However, Altman's suggestion that the "Immortal Beloved" was Marie Erdödy was shown to be "impossible" by Cooper (1996). According to Varnhagen's diary, 15 February 1856: "Bettina ... claims Beethoven had been in love with her and wanted to marry her! In: The Beethoven Newsletter 5/2, p. 29. More love letters (also by Josephine to Beethoven) were published by Schmidt-Görg (1969), "Der Umstand, daß man … als Folge dieser Begegnung eine natürliche Tochter in Kauf zu nehmen hatte, erschien der professionellen Welt als so abenteuerlich, daß die Widerstände gegen die Josephinen-Hypothese sich merklich versteiften." [26] and concluded that Beethoven was in love with Josephine, but nonetheless he tended towards Therese as the "Immortal Beloved". Josephinens Haus- und Herzensfreund! The coach broke down, of course, owing to the dreadful road which had not been made up and was nothing but a country track. [Beethoven's sacred hands, whom I deeply admire, he is walking divinely among mortals, his elevated stature opposed to the world beneath.] left a lot to be desired, as far as basic expertise in Viennese topography is concerned. The letter was found amongst the composers things after his death. A New Look at Beethoven's Diary Entry and the 'Immortal Beloved.". "I would have to violate sacred bonds if I gave in to your request – Believe me – that I, by doing what is my duty, suffer the most – and that surely noble motives were guiding my actions." Since undertaking the translation of Dr. LudwigNohl's valuable edition of "Beethoven's Letters,"an additional collection has been published by Dr.Ludwig Ritter von Köchel, consisting of manyinteresting letters addressed by Beethoven to hisillustrious pupil, H.R.H. (Solomon 1998, p. 218). London: Faber & Faber 2014. autogr. 159. ", Tellenbach, Marie-Elisabeth (1988): "Künstler und Ständegesellschaft um 1800: die Rolle der Vormundschaftsgesetze in Beethovens Beziehung zu Josephine Gräfin Deym." 1809/1810. ), Learn how and when to remove this template message, Ira F. Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies,, Articles needing additional references from November 2019, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The date of the "Immortal Beloved" letter –- 6/7 July 1812 -– has meanwhile been firmly established, not only by watermarks and references,[23] but also by a later letter by Beethoven to Rahel Varnhagen, which suggests he must have met his "Immortal Beloved" on 3 July 1812: "I am sorry, dear V., that I could not spend the last evening in Prague with you, and I myself found it impolite, but a circumstance I could not foresee prevented me. In the early hours of February 15, 2013 Ella woke and was raced to hospital where, despite efforts to … The Beethoven Immortal Beloved letter was found after Beethoven's death at the same time as "Heiligenstadt's Testament" is made up of two double pages, written on both sides, (8 pages), of about 200 x 238 mm and on a single sheet of about 201 x 119 mm both sides. There has been many candidates, starting with Guilietta Guiccardi.Her name was brought forward by Beethoven’s secretary and first biographer, Anton Schindler. Beethoven's love letter is very famous and often quoted in literary media as well as television, movies, and commercials. In the film Immortal Beloved, written and directed by Bernard Rose, the Immortal Beloved is Beethoven's sister-in-law Johanna Reiss, with whom he had a long and frustrating legal battle over the custody of his nephew Karl van Beethoven. Maternal affection made her forgo her own happiness. Als den linkischen Verfasser … von einem wirklichen Dilettanten, dem Kaffeehaus-Literaten Joseph Ludwig Stoll." Letters by Beethoven to Josephine translations made directly from German: 15 Love Letters by and 7 Letters by Josephine to Beethoven. "[41] [29], Marek (1969) argued the case for Dorothea Ertmann.[30]. Zu gleicher Zeit war Josephine unglüklich! In their emphasis on the ineffable, unattainable, eternal, and divine nature of the love expressed, Beethoven’s letters might even be seen as a nineteenth-century Caeyers, Jan: Beethoven. "Beethovens heilige Hände …[,] den ich tief verehre, er wandelt göttlich under den Sterblichen, sein höheren Standpunkt gegen die niedere Welt." Sie waren für einander geboren[,] und lebten beide noch, hätten sie sich vereint." [54], Goldschmidt (1980) summarizes: "The Antonia hypothesis … is not so fully convincing that it excludes all others. Beethoven was known to love many women, and as his friend F.G. Wegeler once wrote, "Beethoven was never out of love." Thayer thought the letter must have been written around 1806-07. (Goldschmidt 1980). Lockwood, Lewis (1997): "Film Biography as Travesty: Meredith, William (2000): "Mortal Musings: Testing the Candidacy of Almerie Esterházy against the Antonie Brentano Theory.". Anthony Burgess chose Beethoven as the favored composer for his character Alex in A Clockwork Orange, because dear olde Ludwig van was a rebel, a romantic, a revolutionary who struggled all of his life against poverty, injustice and ill health to produce genius art. "… requirements …, that the Immortal Beloved be a woman closely acquainted with Beethoven during the period in question." Sebald was definitely not in Prague at the beginning of July 1812, and Cooper (2000, p. 416) consequently ruled her out as a candidate. Born for each other, and commercials too has unfortunately never appeared in translation! 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